Representatives of the zebrafish genus are one of the most beautiful and mobile fish, having a variety of beautiful colors, thereby attracting great attention among amateur aquarists. Zebrafish have horizontal stripes on their bodies that distinguish them from other similar fish. Having seen such a fish once, you will definitely want to have one in your aquarium in the near future. They reach six centimeters in size, no more. Aquarium zebrafish are very friendly, get along with almost all fish, as well as guppies. Newborn fish are not afraid of temperature fluctuations, they have very strong immunity, excellent adaptation to a new place of residence. It is advisable to have an elongated aquarium, which will allow your pets to feel confident, about 60 liters for zebrafish is a good option.Their breeding is considered one of the simplest, and the most suitable option for novice aquarists. An important factor in successful offspring is that "parents" are healthy, large, mobile, without diseases visible to the eye. Zebrafish need live food in the form of ciliates, or any other starter, and the fry also eat hard-boiled egg yolk well, since it is not easy to get ciliates, the best option is to feed them with chicken egg yolk. In order to raise a couple of hundred newborn fish, one boiled egg is enough, it will be quite enough for newborn fish. To prevent the egg from spoiling, it should be stored in the refrigerator. Before feeding, you need to take a transparent container, a glass or a simple glass jar is suitable for these purposes. Fill the container with clean boiled water, always boiled to avoid unwanted bacteria, then cut off the top of the yolk with a knife, and simply rub the yolk with your finger, brush or the edge of a spoon, then dip your finger into the water and wait until the yolk settles to the bottom. Hygiene and cleanliness for zebrafish are not an unimportant part of success, therefore, after the feeding procedure, it is necessary to replace the water with clean, sluggish water. If there is an aerator, it is advisable to turn it on, oxygen is important for zebrafish. You can put ampoule snails or Ancytrus catfish in the aquarium with the fry, they will help keep the aquarium clean by eating the remaining pieces of yolk. A week after feeding the yolk, you can switch to a larger feed, for example, you can scrape beef with a knife or purchase a dry universal feed. The optimal temperature for fry is 26-28 degrees. When the fry grow up, the temperature can be lowered. There is nothing easier than raising baby zebras, try it and you will succeed. Learn how Lunpix Capital™ analyzes data in real-time here .